1st part of the script




Inés Alcolea Llopis

Room 23, Arfon Hall, Normal Site,

Hollyhead road, Gwynedd, LL57 2PJ,

Bangor, UK


+44 07407023613 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 07407023613 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

ext. outside the bank building – day

There is a normal bank door with a lot of policemen who are aiming at the bank entrance. They are talking by the walkie-talkie about what is happening. People is expecting what is going to happen outside the police cordon. Tom suddenly appear into scene thought the bank door handling the two robbers. He wears a mask and a super-hero suit yellow and green in latex. Everyone starts clapping and he gives them to the police to detain them. He poses smiling for the media while waving to the cameras and press who are blocking his way. Then he starts running as far as he can and his hipper-velocity makes him disappear.

Int. changing room – evening

Tom is in the changing room with a towel bundle to his waist, he is quietly taking a comb, he brushes his hair and put it into the bag. Some people is having a shower, some others are talking or changing her clothes. Some people often approaches to him and friendly slaps him on the back.


Good job tom! Congrats!


(Without watching him)

Thanks, dude.

Then he takes his super-hero suit and he keeps on starring it in silence.


Hi there! congratulations for your job! Everyone is very happy with it, today, you are the real super-hero here!



Thanks bloke

They shake hands. Toni starts getting dressed while talking.


Do you feel like a beer tonight with me?


Sure, but remember, I don´t want anything special.


For what? For your big job or your big day tomorrow?


Both, but anyway, as always you're gonna do whatever you want.

Toni laughs and slaps him on the back and leaves him. The camera focus on him and we can see his back and weaving while says:


At half eleven as always.

Tom finishes putting his trousers and lock the locker.

Ext. outside worlds need you – night

We see the panel of “world needs you”, the logo from the super-heroes enterprise. Then we see how Tom is walking out the enterprise. Someone comes running.


Wait! Hi!! are you Tom?'


Ehrm.... yes.


Oh my Goodness! I saw you in the news and...


I don´t like fans


No! no, don't worry, I’m not a fan, I work here

Ollie shows him his super-hero suit that he wears under his clothes.


Are you taking it to home?


Yes, I wanna wash it and... well show it to my girlfriend

Ollie laughs


Today is the first day I have it.

Tom laughs and stops in front of a car and starts looking for something in his bag.


Is your first day here?


Well... not exactly, it's my first day as a super-hero. I have been training for some years and after pass the exams and proofs Adeline ask me for work like a practice student. But, now, after a month, they gave me my super-hero suit and the definitive super-hero medal to start working.


Great, so which kind of super-powers have they gave you?


Pain resistance in combat and to disappear from the scene I can teleport one kilometre distance. I have to improve that 'cos some told me that I can do it better if I train that and, well... I prefer to teleport to home than take the tube.


Yes, you're right. Well I’m...


Wait! Wait, well... I don't really know anyone here, I have been talking a little bit with the man who was talking with you in the locker room....




Yes, exactly! Toni! Well... the matter is that I listen that you're gonna meet in a pair of hours, and after a month here it hadn't been possible to meet anyone and...


Do you want to come with us?


Yes!!! great!!! so, at half eleven.... where?


(While he is getting in his car)

Green Ale, close to Saint David Church, do you know....


Yes, it's a green house with blue windows and door?




So... see ya then!

Tom closes the door of his car and starts it.

Int. tom's flat – night

Tom opens the door of his flat which is a single room. It is grey, small and plenty of his stuff. While he is going to the kitchen we can see a canoe resting against the wall, three really colourfull skates and other sport stuff. He doesn't have any painting neither other décor but he has a plant who seems to be carelessed.


Hello everyone

He leaves his bag next to the door and the keys on a little table close to it and takes the radio controller to swhicht on it. He goes until the end of the flat which is the kitchen. And while he is going there the camera shows how the flat is.

In the kitchen he goes to the fridge and takes some food to cook.

Then we see him sitting in front of the TV. He is zapping not to watch the news with his event. He finally watchs a movie while he is eating.

At the end we hear that he is having a shower but we just see the light from the bathroom, then he goes to his wardrobe and takes some clothes. Finally we see him in front of the mirrow watching his face and staring his wrinkle from his skin. He watches his watch, takes the keys and close the door.

Ext. green ale bar – night

Tom is coming inside the bar who is a typical English tabern with a shining sign in which is written the name of the bar. It is raining, so he closes his umbrella and shakes it.

Int. green ale bar – night

Toni is sitting in a table more sepparated from the others. He is having a beer and watching television. Tom appears, takes his coat and sits.


Hi man


Hi, how are you?

They shake hands. Tom looks at the front.


A paint of Guinness please.


Are you on delay.


Sorry, I when I left work I was hold up.



A woman?


What more could I want...

Both laugh and the waiter brings the beer to Tom. Both cheer and drink a swallow.

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